Call Your Reps

Contact Government Officials in Minneapolis 

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey: Arrest, prosecute, and convict all 4 officers: Derek Chauvin #1087, Tou Thao #7162, Thomas Lane, J Alexander Kueng3rd degree murder and manslaughter charges are not sufficient Minnesota Criminal Statute explains that someone is guilty of third degree murder when they cause death  “without intent.” Using of any type of force against protestors is not acceptable. Cut the police department’s budget.

In simple terms: “Cut MPD’s budget. We need money to keep our communities healthy during the pandemic, not murder them in the streets.”Now, due to COVID19, Minneapolis is facing a budget shortfall and has to make decisions about how to cut about $60 million from the city budget. They will be making these decisions in the next month.In a pandemic, we need every penny of our city’s money to go to keeping people safe, healthy, and housed. We need mental health resources, solutions to the opioid epidemic, affordable housing, and public health approaches to violence prevention. Instead, $193 million of our city dollars are going to murderous police and the guns, tear gas and rubber bullets that they use on our people.It’s time for Frey and the City Council to stop making statements on social media and start holding MPD accountable in the only language they speak: money. 

Mayor Jacob Frey

350 South 5th Street, Room 331

Minneapolis, MN 55415


Online email form (Some users have reported this page not loading. Keep trying, try a different browser, or try the campaign website email form below. It seems to be working for some and not others.)

Campaign website email form

Twitter: @Jacob_Frey

Instagram: @jacobfrey1

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman: Arrest, prosecution, and conviction of all 4 officers:

Officer Derek Chauvin #1087

Officer Tou Thao #7162

Officer Thomas Lane

Officer J Alexander Kueng

3rd degree murder and manslaughter charges are not sufficient. The authorization of lethal force or any type of harm against protestors is not acceptable
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman

C-2000 Government Center

300 South Sixth Street

Minneapolis, MN 55487

Phone: 612-348-5550

 Governor Tim Walz and Lt Governor Peggy Flanagan: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison needs to take over as special prosecutor of the case of George Floyd’s killing. NO use of force (tear gas, smoke bombs, rubber bullets, etc.) on peaceful protesters.

Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan

130 State Capitol

75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

St. Paul, MN 55155

Staffed office hours are: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM 

Telephone:  651-201-3400

Toll Free:  800-657-3717

Minnesota Relay:  800-627-3529

Email form at bottom of page: (Some users are reporting an error when using this email form. Just try again, or try a different browser.)

The FBI has been brought on to investigate the murder of George Floyd. Contact them with these demands: Arrest, prosecution, and conviction of all 4 officers: Officer Derek Chauvin #1087, Officer Tou Thao #7162, Officer Thomas Lane, Officer J Alexander Kueng. 3rd degree murder and manslaughter charges are not sufficient. The authorization of lethal force or any type of harm against protestors is not acceptable.
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Minneapolis Field

Office Address: 1501 Freeway Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55430

Phone: (763) 569-8000


Rainer Drolshagen, Deputy Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation: 


Contact Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo to demand the cessation of tear gas, rubber bullets, smoke bombs, or any other types of force being used on protesters. (If you want to talk to them about prosecution of the officers, they will direct you to contact the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, who will then direct you to contact the mayor.) 

Medaria Arradondo, Chief of Police

350 South 5th St.

Room 130

Minneapolis, MN 55415


Fax: 612-673-2613 

Contact Minneapolis City Council to demand that they defund the police. More specifically:Do not increase police funding or the police department's budget; protect and expand current investment in community-led health and safety strategies instead. Propose and vote for a $45 million cut from MPD's budget as the City responds to projected COVID-19 shortfalls. Pressure MPD and all law enforcement agencies to immediately cease enacting violence on community members, including those who are protesting. These demands mirror those from Reclaim the Block and Black Visions Collective.
Go to the city council website and click on each name or click on each name below to go to each council member’s website for their contact info.

Ward 1 - Kevin ReichWard 2 - Cam Gordon (Minority Leader - Green Party)

Ward 3 - Steve Fletcher

Ward 4 - Phillipe Cunningham

Ward 5 - Jeremiah Ellison

Ward 6 - Abdi Warsame

Ward 7 - Lisa Goodman

Ward 8 - Andrea Jenkins (Council Vice President)

Ward 9 - Alondra Cano

Ward 10 - Lisa Bender (Council President)

Ward 11 - Jeremy Schroeder

Ward 12 - Andrew Johnson (Majority Leader - DFL)

Ward 13 - Linea Palmisano

Contact Government Officials in Louisville 

Contact Mayor Fischer:

Phone: (502) 574-2003

Contact State AG Daniel Cameron:

Phone Call:  502-696-5300


Script (for both phone and email): 

Subject: Justice for Breonna TaylorHi [name of gov official],My name is ___. I’m [calling/emailing] to demand justice and accountability for the murder of Breonna Taylor. On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a warrant, looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody. They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her in her bed. 
I’m calling to demand that the Mayor respect Breonna Taylor’s family’s demands for justice and accountability. These include, among other things, revising the Use of Force policy, firing and revoking the pensions of the officers that murdered Breonna, provide all necessary information to a local, independent civilian community police accountability council, and create a policy for transparent investigation process due to law enforcement misconduct. Thank you for your time, please help us see justice.

Call Tallahassee Police Department 

The name of the police officer(s) that murdered Tony McDade have STILL NOT been released. Call the police department in and demand they release this information: 850-410-7000. 

NYS/NYC Calls to Defund the Police and repeal the 50-a exemption

Defund the Police: Here is a three part action (social media, phone, email) to engage with council members about cutting funding to the police, and instead investing in community supports. Find your council member here. Also email Melanie Hartzog, the NYC Budget Director here

Suggested script:

“Hi, my name is [your name] and I am a resident of [borough/neighborhood]. I am [calling/emailing] to demand an emergency council meeting and deny the mayor’s proposed budget. I would like to redirect money away from the NYPD into social services programs [list some!]. It is crucial that this meeting is called because police are currently being paid overtime for protests. Our money is better served supporting the community, rather than actively damaging it.” 

Repeal 50-A Script to repeal the 50-a exemption below:

(50-a protects records of police misconduct from public dissemination. Read more about it here, and find your assembly member here. )

Dear Senator/Assembly member [NAME],
My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from your district living in [neighborhood and/or zip code]. I am writing to you to express my support for bill S3695/A2513 to repeal the 50-a exemption. The bill to repeal the 50-a exemption will remove a barrier to justice that has allowed systems of law enforcement to shield abusive officers and hide violent misconduct for decades. Removing this exemption will pave way for accountability and hopefully begin to shift a culture of apathy and violence within law enforcement, and lay a foundation to build trust between communities.
On Saturday, May 30th Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said he would sign the bill if it was passed by the Legislature. I implore you to push Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and Assembly Majority Speaker Carl Heastie to bring the bill to the floor for a vote immediately.
Thank you for your work and consideration.

Contact Lawmakers in Los Angeles

THE LA CITY BUDGET IS DUE 6/1Tell lawmakers to call an emergency City Council meeting, deny the mayor’s budget, and instead accept the People’s Budget. Go to and read up on the fight to redistribute funds away from the cops and to the people, then tell your reps how you would prefer money is spent… i.e. more social workers, less cops; more after school programs, less probation officers; more access to mental health services, less guns. 

Email, call, leave a message for Council President Nury Martinez

Email, call, leave a message for Councilmember (District 2) Paul Krekorian, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee

Call your own City Councilmember, save their # in your phone, call them all the time! 

Close the Last Youth Prisons in California

There’s a proposal to close the final three youth prisons in California and we want to make sure this is confirmed in the June budget. 

Script (for both phone and email):

Hello, my name is [your name], I live in [your county] and I’m sharing my support for closing the Department of Juvenile Justice. We shouldn’t be investing in caging children but should instead be investing in resources for communities, like education, child care, and health care. Please see that the last youth prisons are closed. Thanks, and be well!

Contact Senator Protem Toni AtkinsPhone: (916) 651-4039Email:

Contact Speaker (Assembly) Anthony RendonPhone: (916) 319-2063Email:

Contact Your Local Government Officials 

Test “RESIST” to 50409 to write to your local politicians 
Who to contact? Mayor, Local police chief, District Attorney/State Attorney, State representative/Senator, City Council Member, Governor, Any state/local candidate running for election/reelection.

What to say? Two asks: 

Defund the police

Restrict police’s use of force [in the day to day, and during current protests] 
Hi, my name is [name] and I am a constituent calling from [city, state]. 
I am calling on you to draft and/or support legislation that redirects funding from the police to community based services that protect and uplift our community. Things like family counseling, restorative justice programs, reparations to victims and their families, community-led crisis response programs, gang intervention without police involvement, domestic violence intervention without police involvement, and services that offer housing, food, healthcare, economic assistance and emergency relief. By providing basic services we eliminate the need for the police all together. 
Further, your constituents demand accountability for the police. As long as the police are still on our streets, we want documentation of their misconduct, a reduction in access to military grade weapons, and public representation in officer review processes. 
Thank you for your time.